Indian NRIs have to confront the pressing issue of leaving their parents, mostly age-old and senior citizens, behind. Whilst leaving a prosperous career or lucrative job abroad might not seem like a good idea, one cannot abdicate his/her responsibility of caring enough for their parents.
NRI parents care from afar
Is there anything that can replace the care and support of children besides them at an advanced age? However, there are basic requirements for taking care of elderly parents that can be easily catered to from abroad. The most important of all is healthcare comprising routine checkups, basic health assessment at home, telephone follow-up, home healthcare visits and scheduling medical appointments. NRI healthcare has, therefore, gained greater importance than ever before. Next comes financial security for NRI parents to lead a decent lifestyle which may not be adequate from the monthly fixed pensions that they rely on.
Taking care of elderly parents – Other needs
Elderly parents in India may have properties, which when left unutilized can prove to be more of a liability than an asset. Finding the right residential and commercial property management service provider is imperative to maximizing asset value. Insurance is a perquisite for a secured future. It is important to identify the best policy for their needs and make informed investment decisions with the help of accurate data, guaranteeing the right coverage for different needs. Elderly parents may also want to travel to pilgrimage destinations in different parts of India. Only the right tour operator can guide them towards a safe and hassle-free trip according to their budget, timeline and preferences. In addition to tour arrangement, the travel agency should be able to support them with passport renewal, visa and ticketing services.
What NRI parents in India really need?
From family health, insurance and travel needs, NRI parents back home must be ensured the best quality care. Reach NRI Services is a professional NRI managed services firm undertaking services for a reasonable price. Looking to get in touch with us? We’re just a call away.